About the Journal


Journal title Social Pedagogy: Journal of Social Science Education
Editor-in-chief Dr. Tubagus Ali Rachman Pujakesuma, M.Pd
DOI 10.32332/social-pedagogy
Online ISSN  E-ISSN: 2722-7154
Frequency 2 issues per year (Januari-Juni and Juli-Desember)
Url https://e-journal.metrouniv.ac.id/social-pedagogy
E-mail socialpedagogy@metrouniv.ac.id
Publisher Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers Training, IAIN Metro
Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Garuda | Dimensions | Crossref | SINTA |ROAD
Address Journal Center of IAIN Metro, Ki Hajar Dewantara St., Iringmulyo, Metro Timur, Lampung, Indonesia 34381


Social Pedagogy: Journal of Social Science Education (E-ISSN 2722-7154 dan P-ISSN 2722-7138) is a journal managed by the Department of Social Studies, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Science, Metro State Islamic Institute. Social Pedagogy: Journal of Social Science Education publishes articles on the results of research and development in the field of social studies education conducted by teachers, lecturers and students. This journal publishes one volume each year with two editions, June and December.


Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Social Pedagogy: Journal of Social Science Education
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Social Pedagogy: Journal of Social Science Education (E-ISSN 2722-7154 dan P-ISSN 2722-7138) adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Jurusan Tadris IPS Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu keguruan IAIN Metro. Social Pedagogy: Journal of Social Science Education menerbitkan artikel hasil penelitian dan pengembangan dalam bidang Pendidikan IPS yang di lakukan guru, dosen dan mahasiswa. Jurnal ini terbit satu volume setiap tahun dengan dua nomor yaitu Juni dan Desember.