Jigsaw Strategy for Cooperative Learning in an English Reading Class: Teacher’s and Students’ Beliefs


  • Yuliana Putri Susanti Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Indonesia
  • Adaninggar Septi Subekti Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Indonesia




Cooperative Learning, Jigsaw Strategy, Students’ Beliefs, Teacher’s Beliefs, Thematic Analysis


The study investigated teacher’s and students’ beliefs on jigsaw learning activities for cooperative learning. It was conducted to fill the void in the literature on jigsaw in the second language (L2) instruction seen from teachers’ and students’ beliefs. Twenty-four students of the English Language Education Department taking Intensive Reading class and the class teacher were involved in this study, employing observation and semi-structured interviews, the data of which were analyzed using Thematic Analysis. It found that even though the jigsaw learning activities seemed to be successful, the phenomenon was not that straightforward as several students reported that they did not optimally show their best efforts in learning independently before class and did not optimally contribute to the discussions either. The study also found three themes related to teacher’s and students’ views on the implementation of the jigsaw. The students’ pre-college learning experiences as passive learners negatively affected the quality of jigsaw conducted in the class. Though jigsaw being reported to be helpful, jigsaw’s success heavily depended on individual student’s performance and contribution. Despite the students’ limitations, teachers’ expectations towards the students motivated students to stretch their limits and perform better. Based on the findings, contribution, regulations, and suggested future studies are stated.

Author Biography

  • Yuliana Putri Susanti, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Indonesia

    She is an upper-semester student of the English Language Education Department of Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW). Her research interest includes English for Specific Purposes (ESP), teachers’ and students’ beliefs, and learning strategies. She once published her empirical study about technology-enhanced English for Specific Purposes for community-based tourism practitioners in the Indonesian context. As a pre-service teacher, she has experiences of teaching Senior High School students, teaching English for kids in Perdikan Eco-Edupark Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, teaching community-based tourism practitioners, and teaching English for Hoteliers.


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