Urgensitas Pembatasan Masa Jabatan Legislatif Perspektif Redbruck Theory
Regulation, term limits, LegislatifAbstract
The lack of regulation on the length of time someone can hold a legislative position is a significant issue in Indonesia. It can lead to abuse of power and hinder the fair execution of duties. Instead of protecting people from executive intimidation, the reform movement has created opportunities for unchecked legislative power. This article discusses the importance of limiting the length of legislative terms from philosophical, sociological, and legal perspectives, as proposed by Radbruck. Implementing specific regulations as part of the 1945 NRI Constitution can help address the legal gaps that currently allow excessive legislative power. This can be achieved by updating laws related to elections, political parties, and legislative bodies and refining candidacy requirements in electoral regulations. Any new regulations must align with the philosophical, sociological, and legal values of enforcing those regulations.
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