As-Shu’ûbah al-Lughawiyyah Wafqa Haramiyyati Hector Hammerly bi Istikhdâm Moodle


  • Makhi Ulil Kirom Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang



Arabic grammar difficulty, difficulty hierarchy; moodle


This research aims to know the linguistic difficulty of intermediate level students based on the difficulty hierarchy of Hector Hammerly (1986). By knowing the difficulty that students face, it will be easier for teacher to assign the appropriate step or method in teaching. By knowing the degrees of that difficulty, the teacher can focus attention on addressing the students' difficulty. Thus, the distribution of attention and focus in teaching a subject of grammar is balanced. The study was conducted for intermediate level students, the intensive program for teaching Arabic in the academic year 2021/2022. The researcher obtained the study data by conducting a test for the students and presented them with questions that were determined from grammatical and morphological topics, given Hammerley's classification of grammatical difficulty. The test results were obtained using the Moodle Learning Management System to facilitate the process, speed classification of results and flexibility of test for students. The researcher reached results that the grammatical difficulty of intermediate students differs according to Hammerley's hierarchical difficulty in grammatical difficulty.


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