Mustawâ Layâqah al-Ikhtibār li Mâdah al-Lughah al -‘Arabiyyah


  • Yogia Prihartini Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sulthan Thaha Siafuddin Jambi, Indonesia
  • Wahyudi Buska Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sulthan Thaha Siafuddin Jambi, Indonesia
  • Faridl Hakim Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sulthan Thaha Siafuddin Jambi, Indonesia



Properness Level;, Final Tes;, Arabic Material;


This study aims to describe: The types of tests in the final exams of the first semester, the quality of the tests, and the reasons why teachers do not carry out this test analysis. The sample of this study was students majoring in Arabic using purposive sampling using the percentage formula for validity, Cronbach Alpha for reliability, difficulty formula, and differentiation formula. The results of this study were: (1) the forms of the tests were achievement tests (learning objectives), teacher-made tests (writers), summative tests (test time), written tests (implementation), and subjective tests (how-to scores according to point of view. (2) The quality of a test is: (a) The validity of the test is good because it fulfills content validity, although the test items in the first-semester test are based on language structure 41.67% and vocabulary aspects 25% and reading skills 33.35 (b) Reliability of the test was higher at 5.87 (c) The level of difficulty of the very easy test is 0.57%. (d) The differential power test is not good enough by 0.52%. (3) The reason the teacher does not carry out an analytical test is (a) Lack of understanding of problem analysis, (b) They did not experiment in carrying out analytical tests, (c) They did not understand the ins and outs of revaluation, (d) They did not understand problem analysis and, (e) There were teachers who had not received training or seminars in the field of evaluation and analysis.


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