Pengaruh Hukum Dalam Mendorong Efektivitas Program Pendidikan Karakter Anti Korupsi
Pangaruh Hukum, Pembentukan Karakter, Anti KorupsiAbstract
Anti-corruption education can prevent corruption and foster an anti-corruption culture by educating individuals to have awareness of the law and implement an anti-corruption culture. This anti-corruption character building has great challenges, but it is very important to do to foster an anti-corruption culture in the future. The anti-corruption character education program has attracted the attention of the education world. Character education is important in shaping human resilience and integrity in the millennium era. The younger generation can be effective agents in the fight against corruption through education. Educational institutions have an important role to play in the fight against corruption. They have knowledge that can enlighten misconceptions about corruption. In addition, educational institutions have a strong network throughout the country, so that efforts to eradicate corruption can become a mass movement. The movement to prevent corruption through education is expected to create a young generation that is reliable, disciplined and has an anti-corruption mentality. Planting this mindset not only in one generation, but also in the next generations so that this nation is free from corruption.
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