
  • Zaenul Arifin Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Jember


Ijtihad, time, prayer, mahkum fih, mahkum alaih


The style of reading text is ideally through three stages, they are “qira'ah salafiyya, qira'ah ta'wiliyyah, and qira'ah maqashidiyyah. While in the area of ​​al-waqi'(the fact) there are several disciplines of knowledge that are used in understanding social phenomena, politics, and science. Therefore, when we are reading the text that will be focus on science phenomenon, the context should be interrelated to the existing disciplines of knowledge in the area of ​​al-waqi'. If we do not apply it, the understanding of the text will be out of date, so it is not aplicable. Therefore the ijtihad must be always inflamed and the door of ijtihad” will never be closed. In the context of inflaming “ijtihad, the knowledge of usul fiqh is known as a set of standard methodology that its role has been proven by Islamic thinkers such as Imam madzhab in digging an Islamic law from its original source (al-Qur'an and Sunnah). But today, the fiqh of Islam is considered barren because the role of theoretical framework of usul fiqh is less relevant to answer the contemporary problems. Therefore, there are many models of “ijtihad with a new methodology from contemporary Islamic experts in an attempt to dig Islamic law from its original source to suit the dynamics of the progress of time, one of the models of “ijtihad” scientific is timing of prayers. This is a big job to be done in order to establish Islamic ideals themselves (self image of Islam) in the midst of modern life that it is constantly changing and evolving. In Indonesia, the last decade has emerged the development of Islamic law which is adapted to the real conditions of life in Indonesia. This is motivated by the realization that the classical fiqh with its methodology device are not able to answer  the contemporary issues, so we need a scintific model of “ijtihad.


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How to Cite

MODEL IJTIHAD SAINTIFIK DALAM PENENTUAN WAKTU IBADAH. (2015). Istinbath : Jurnal Hukum, 12(1), 66-81.