About the Journal

Journal title FINANSIA : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Perbankan Syariah
Abbreviation FINANSIA
Accreditation Sinta 3 by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia
Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December)
DOI prefix 10.32332 by 
Online ISSN 2621-4644
Print ISSN 2621-4636
Editor-in-chief Agus Alimuddin
Publisher Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Metro
Citation Analysis Sinta / Google Scholar
Acceptance Ratio 30%

Finansia Journal of Sharia Accounting and Banking is published by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business IAIN Metro. The Journal of Finansia is published twice a year, namely the January-June issue and the July-December issue. The Journal of Finansia accepts articles in Indonesian and English. The editorial team welcomes the contribution of articles from scientists, scholars, professionals, and researchers and students in the disciplines of Accounting and Banking to be published after going through a generally accepted mechanism. Jurnal Finansia publishes scientific papers adhering to the values and ethics of scientific publications and the whole process is carried out in a professional and accountable manner.

E-mail: finansia@metrouniv.ac.id