Author Guidelines
ARTICLE TITLE, ABOUT 16 WORDS, GIVE THE RESEARCH AN IDEA (Capital Letters, Garamond 14, Bold, spacing 1)
Abstract: Contains a brief description of the problem and research objectives, methods used and research results. The pressure of abstract writing is mainly on research results and analysis. Abstracts are written in two languages; Indonesian and English. English abstracts are presented first in italics or Italic format. The number of words is no more than 200 words. Abstract typing is done with 1 or single front 10 spaces of the Garamond typeface with margins narrower than the right and left margins of the main text. Keywords need to be included to describe the area of the problem under study and the main terms underlying the implementation of the research. Key words can be single words or word combinations. The number of key words is 3-5 words. These key words are necessary for computerization. Searching for research titles and abstracts is made easier with these keywords.
Keywords: Keyword 1; Keyword 2; Keyword 3
Abstract: The abstract is written in Indonesian with a word count of no more than 200 words. Abstract typing is done with 1 or single front 10 spaces of the Garamond typeface with margins narrower than the right and left margins of the main text. Keywords need to be included to describe the area of the problem under study and the main terms underlying the implementation of the research. Key words can be single words or word combinations. The number of key words is 3-5 words. These key words are necessary for computerization. Searching for research titles and abstracts is made easier with these keywords.
Keywords: Keyword 1; Keyword 2; Keyword 3
A textbook is a published book that is not more than 5 years old in existence. The method of writing footnotes is the author's name, comma, italic book title, comma, open the parenthesis of the city of publication, colon, publisher, comma, year close parentheses, comma, page. This footnote is written font Garamond 10, Tab 1.5, Examples of textbook footnotes are:
The thesis or Dissertation is quoted in the format, author's name, comma, title the Thesis or Dissertation is italicized, comma, open the brackets of the publication city, colon, publisher, comma, year, close parentheses, commas, pages.
Scientific journals are cited with the format, author's name, comma, article title, comma, journal name, comma, volume and edition according to the journal model, comma, year of publication and page
- Quotes from Internet sources are written in the format of author name, comma, writing title, comma, site address, comma, date in access, with the following example:
1Asep Rosadi, “KUR BRI Credit Terms,” www.blogaseprosidi.html, (10 Februari 2014).
Excerpts from the source of papers and Newspaper articles are written by writing the name, comma of the article title, comma, newspaper name, comma, day, comma, date, comma and year, with the following example:
- Direct excerpts of interviews and observations by writing the informant's name, comma, interview title, comma, day, comma and date, with examples as follows:
1Sinaga Sinangguli, Personal Interview, (16 February 2014).
While the observation quote is written observation records, commas, locations, commas, days, commas and dates. With the following example:
1Observation Notes, Nagari Kubang Putih Guardian Office, (16 February 2014).
Images and Tables
Tables, drawings and graphs can be used to clarify the verbal presentation of the results of the study. Tables and graphs should be commented on or discussed and referenced or referenced with a footnote system. Place the table label above the table, while the image label is at the bottom of it. Write down specific tables specifically, for example Table 1, the name of the table (front 11) while the column table with front 11.
1Oman Fahurrahman, Tarekat Syatariyah in Minangkabau: Text and Context, (Jakarta: Prenada Media, 2008), p. 20.
- Bibliography Required to use Zotero or Mendeley.
- The article should be based on the results of the study. Articles are written with a margin of Top 1.18 cm, bottom 1.18 cm. left 1.18 cm, right 1.18 cm, Paper A4, Cambria 11, space 1.15.
- Must use Footnote with Type of citation Turabian Style/Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note). Examples: journal articles,1 book,2 Thesis or Dissertation,3 websites,4 Interview,5 (Garamond 10).
- The main reference comes from the latest Scientific Journals published max in the last 5 years. 80% sourced from journals, proceedings, Research Reports, patents, standards, Research Books. 20% from other sources such as (Books and Internet last 10 years).
Online Submissions
Finansia Journal of Sharia Accounting and Banking published by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business IAIN Metro as a vehicle for exploring Sharia Accounting and Banking science. Published twice a year in the period January-June and July-December. The editor accepts manuscripts and writings on Islamic Accounting and Banking with terms and conditions:
- Original work and research results are prioritized;
- Individuals or groups of 2-5 people;
- The work is original, not plagiarized, and has never been published/published in any form;
- Writing according to a predetermined format (see template);
- Send the author's bio and affidavit of authenticity of the manuscript;
- Manuscripts are recommended to citation minimum of 15 accredited journals;
- Manuscripts are recommended to use Zotero citation management, Mendeley or other supporting citation software;
- Authors whose manuscripts are accepted in the journal will get a hard copy of the journal as many as 2 copies;
- Submit your manuscript by Logging in for those who already have a Finansia account, or Register for those who do not have an account;
- Manuscripts can be submitted online every 24-hour day.
Template manuscript can be downloaded Here. Manuscript accepted is written in standard Indonesian language or English.