Journal History

Starting from the Mu'amalah Study Center discussion forum sponsored by the Department of Sharia Economic Law and attended by students, lecturers, and academics of Sharia Economic Law, Mu'amalah: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah became a forum for publishing the writings discussed in the discussion forum. Mu'amalah is a unique study that discusses contracts, agreement jurisprudence, and sharia economic law.

Mu'amalah: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah is a journal published by the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Metro, an Islamic higher education institution in Indonesia. Its history began at the beginning of the 21st century when IAIN Metro realized the need for an academic platform focused on multidisciplinary Islamic law studies. The founding of Mu'amalah was motivated by the need to encourage research, analysis, and scientific discussion on sharia economic law. The journal covers various sharia economic law issues, including contracts, agreements, transaction jurisprudence, and financial law.

First published in 2022, Mu'amalah began as a progressive publication platform and essential forum for academics, legal practitioners, and Islamic thinkers to share research findings and thoughts. This journal aims to provide space for researchers to develop new ideas, examine the struggle between transactional jurisprudence and societal culture, and encourage a better understanding of sharia economic law. The articles published in Mu'amalah consist of various methodological approaches and perspectives, reflecting the academic community's diversity of thought.

At the beginning of its publication, Mu'amalah aimed to expand the scope of national and international readers by applying titles, abstracts, and keywords written in English. Since the first issue of Vol. 2 In 2023, Mu'amalah has published 20 manuscripts by authors from 2 countries, namely Turkey and Indonesia. Likewise, Vol.3 No.1, June 2024 edition, publishes ten manuscripts by authors from 5 countries, including Thailand, Egypt, England, Malaysia and Indonesia. Mu'amalah continues to improve and expand its impact through indexation efforts at both national and international levels. In the first year, Mu'amalah used indexing services such as Google Scholar, Garuda, Moraref, Crossref, and Dimensions. It is also an essential platform for encouraging intercultural and interreligious dialogue through research, considering the implications of Sharia economic law in a multicultural and multireligious society.