Article Processing Charge

[UPDATE!] Starting from March 1st, 2025, all articles accepted are subject to "Article Processing Charges" to provide readers free access and cover the costs of publication processes.

All readers and authors of the An Nabighoh can enjoy the benefits of free open access, meaning unlimited use and reuse of articles. We believe free open access promotes accessibility and use worldwide, serving the professional and scientific community and the wider community. Because there are no access fees, An Nabighoh offsets publication costs (including journal management, journal production, online hosting, long-term archiving, indexing in relevant databases, etc.) by charging article processing charges (APC) to authors, institutions, or funders for each published article.

During the submission and peer-review process, there are no charges. The APC is charged to the author when their manuscript is editorially accepted or before the publication of (IDR). Further information to make payments will be notified, along with the status of their manuscript being editorially accepted. 
Upon editorial acceptance of an article, the corresponding author will be notified the payment process. Payment is due within four weeks of the manuscript receiving editorial acceptance. We advise prompt payment as we are unable to publish accepted articles until full payment has been received. We request that you evaluate your potential to obtain funding for the Article Processing Charge before submission, not after acceptance. Please note that the payment is non-refundable.