Filosofi Zakat dalam Filantropi Islam
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Zakat, Islamic philantrophy, zakat managementAbstrak
Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country. Where zakat is a must for Muslims. But the collected zakat only reached Rp 2.5 trillion. Achievement is still far from the potential that exists, the potential of zakat Indonesian society reached Rp 270 trillion. This can be an asset that builds Islamic philanthropy in Indonesia seen in the philosophy perspective of zakat. By examining the literature on zakat, this study aims to form a model of Islamic philanthropy that is useful for improving the welfare of Indonesian society. An obligation to be able to establish regulations applicable to all parts of the country. Applies upward and downward as well. Not only tie amil but also bind muzakki and mustahik for the development of good economic life by using the zakat funds in Indonesia. The conclusion derived from the philosophy of the obligation of tithe namely religious belief, equity and justice, productivity, freedom, ethics and fairness. While the philosophy of zakat is as istikhlaf, social solidarity, and brotherhood. From the philosophy can be seen the essence of the zakat it self, which is as something that is very beneficial to all parties.