Bisnis Online dalam Perspektif Islam


  • Selvia Nuriasari IAIN Metro Lampung

Kata Kunci:

online business, B2C, Islamic business ethics


Online  business  is  a  business  activity  conducted  by  the business both business organizations and individuals by utilizing electronic media . Online business is known as e - commerse where it is divided into two terms, B2B and B2C. B2C or business to consumer becomes the most well known for businesses to promote their products through electronic media , especially social media and blogs . The problems of this business is that the responsibility to the consumer or customer . Violations are often carried by B2C businesses are their dishonest attitude to consumers about the products offered, such as hiding information about the products where its main weakness is the potential consumers only know the product through product images from the information given by the online businesses . So the principles of business ethics must be applied strictly in the online business for the sake of protecting consumers . In this study, the writers are interested in discussing about online business in terms of islamic views and its relationship with business ethics in this online business .




Cara Mengutip

Bisnis Online dalam Perspektif Islam. (2013). Adzkiya : Jurnal Hukum Dan Ekonomi Syariah, 2(1).