Pengaruh Globalisasi Ekonomi terhadap Hukum Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia


  • Siti Zulaikha

Kata Kunci:

globalization, economics, economic law


Nowadays, the world is experiencing a global crisis that the impact is also felt by Indonesia. Moreover, Indonesia is attempting to restore the economic system after the economic crisis was hitting since the middle of July 1997s. One of the best ways to solve the problem is the development of syariah economy system, that was tested to solve the economic crisis. It was caused by economic system that was used not influenced by the banking interest rate that caused by coming up of inflation. The implementation of law aspects of Islamic  economic must be understood comprehensively. It starts from the conceptual and teoritical to the problem and the implementation. A number of experimental implementation of the economic system which is based on the principles Islamic Syari’ah has shown many indications of success, such as, the development of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB). The various economic institutions and the action program which was conducted in Islamic countries and the other countries that the majority of the population converted to Islam, such as: Algeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Turkey. Moreover, a number of banking and non-banking financial institutions is based on the Syari’ah values that has developed quite rapidly in leading business cities, such as London, New York, and Geneva.




Cara Mengutip

Pengaruh Globalisasi Ekonomi terhadap Hukum Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia. (2013). Adzkiya : Jurnal Hukum Dan Ekonomi Syariah, 1(1), 1-14.