Dakwah Dengan Seni Musik: Studi Pada Grup Qosidah Modern At-Tarbiyah Putri Cilendek Cibeureum Kota Tasikmalaya


  • Muhamad Hanif Fuadi Institut Nahdlatul Ulama Tasikmalaya
  • Salman Alfarisi Institut Nahdlatul Ulama Tasikmalaya
  • Dwi Nur Prakoso Univeristas Darusslam Gontor


Qasidah;, Music, Da'wah


This research reveals interesting things from the phenomenon of
da'wah with the art of music as a means to attract mad'u, especially
young people. Da'wah and the art of music both have a mutually
beneficial relationship. Da'wah as an effort to call for goodness while
the art of music makes beauty in calling for goodness. The Qasidah
Modern At-Tarbiyah Putri Cilendek Cibeureum Group, Kota
Tasikmalaya, which was founded by Hj. Siti Habibah (Alm) as an
example in conveying da'wah messages decorated with music. The this group continues to exist due to empowerment in the economic
sector for members.
progress of the times is a step to innovate in the development of
da'wah and music, so that song lyrics as a means of preaching, young
people as targets of propaganda and even for group personnel
become a means of propaganda in the field of economic
empowerment. This research uses a qualitative approach as an effort
to uncover the meaning behind its establishment and activities from
stage to stage at the Qasidah Modern At-Tarbiyah Putri Cilendek
Cibeureum Group, Tasikmalaya City. Field observations, in-depth
interviews and documentation became the methods in this study. The
result of this reserch reveal a deep philosophy in carrying out da'wah
amidst the progress of the times, presenting modern music as the
medium, then da'wah messages are mixed into song lyrics so that
Islamic values are embedded in young people and on the other hand

dakwah dan musik, sehingga lirik lagu sebagai sarana dakwah, kawula muda sebagai sasaran dakwah bahkan untuk personil grup mejadi sarana dakwah di bidang pemberdayaan ekonomi.

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif sebagai upaya mengungkap makna dibalik berdirinya serta kegiatan dari panggung ke panggung Grup Qasidah Modern At-Tarbiyah Putri Cilendek Cibeureum Kota Tasikmalaya. Observasi lapangan, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi menjadi metode dalam penelitian ini.

Hasil dari penelitian ini terungkap suatu filosofi mendalam dalam melaksanakan dakwah ditengah kemajuan zaman, mengadirkan musik modern sebagai medianya, kemudian pesan dakwah yang diramu ke dalam lirik lagu supaya tertanam dalam diri kawula muda nilai keislaman serta disisi lain grup ini tetap eksis disebabkan oleh pemberdayaan bidang ekonomi untuk anggota.

Kata Kunci: Qasidah, musik, dakwah


This research reveals interesting things from the phenomenon of da'wah with the art of music as a means to attract mad'u, especially young people. Da'wah and the art of music both have a mutually beneficial relationship. Da'wah as an effort to call for goodness while the art of music makes beauty in calling for goodness. The Qasidah Modern At-Tarbiyah Putri Cilendek Cibeureum Group, Kota Tasikmalaya, which was founded by Hj. Siti Habibah (Alm) as an example in conveying da'wah messages decorated with music. The progress of the times is a step to innovate in the development of da'wah and music, so that song lyrics as a means of preaching, young people as targets of propaganda and even for group personnel become a means of propaganda in the field of economic empowerment.

This research uses a qualitative approach as an effort to uncover the meaning behind its establishment and activities from stage to stage at the Qasidah Modern At-Tarbiyah Putri Cilendek Cibeureum Group, Tasikmalaya City. Field observations, in-depth interviews and documentation became the methods in this study.

The result of this reserch reveal a deep philosophy in carrying out da'wah amidst the progress of the times, presenting modern music as the medium, then da'wah messages are mixed into song lyrics so that Islamic values ​​are embedded in young people and on the other hand this group continues to exist due to empowerment in the economic sector for members.

Keywords: Qasidah, music, da'wah


[1] Institut Nahdlatul Ulama Tasikmalaya

[2] Institut Nahdlatul Ulama Tasikmalaya



How to Cite

Dakwah Dengan Seni Musik: Studi Pada Grup Qosidah Modern At-Tarbiyah Putri Cilendek Cibeureum Kota Tasikmalaya. (2023). Jurnal Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam, 4(2), 174-197. https://e-journal.metrouniv.ac.id/JBPI/article/view/6266