Improving Financial Literacy in Facing the Era of Society 5.0


  • Nurlaili Nurlaili Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro
  • Muhammad Faqih Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro
  • Muhammad Faqih Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro
  • Muhammad Hasan Basri Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro
  • Kiki Dwi Larasati Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro



Financial Literacy, E-wallet, Digitalization, Society 5.0


Industrial era 4.0 presents the development of digitalization that continues to grow, such as digitizing payment transactions, namely e-wallet. However, there are shortcomings that can be corrected to face society 5.0 in Indonesia and also the balance between financial literacy and e-wallet users who are growing so that there is no consumptive society and fraud. The purpose of this paper is to provide suggestions or recommendations for the government and stakeholders to carry out policies to increase the level of financial literacy in Indonesia, this research method is library research by collecting related information and data from various valid sources. The results of this paper provide suggestions for the government to actively campaign for financial literacy in various public media, provide a mandatory policy to provide education to financial service providers, and as university academics or educators provide a curriculum on financial literacy. So that when Indonesia enters the era of society 5.0, it is ready in terms of digitizing payment transactions and literacy.


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How to Cite

Improving Financial Literacy in Facing the Era of Society 5.0 (N. Nurlaili, M. Faqih, M. Faqih, M. H. Basri, & K. D. Larasati , Trans.). (2021). International Journal of Islamic Economics, 3(02), 150-163.