Journal History

International Journal of Islamic Economic  is one of the journals under the auspices of the postgraduate program of IAIN Metro, Lampung. This journal has a focus and scope on issues of Islamic economics, Islamic philanthropy, Islamic finance and Islamic banking, which are expected to be able to accommodate the results of research and thoughts for academics both lecturers, students, observers, and Islamic economic actors both nationally and internationally.

Published in 2019, International Journal of Islamic Economic has been designated as a scientific journal with five accreditation by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia in 2020.  As a commitment of journal managers, we will always try to complete our shortcomings and will always publish quality manuscripts that can contribute theories to the development of Islamic economics internationally.

To maximize the platform for authors, starting with volume 6 number 1 of the January-June edition in 2024 and subsequent editions, the journal manager decided to increase the number of articles to be published in one edition to 8 articles, and change some components in the journal template.

We welcome constructive feedback and suggestions and expect article contributions from authors.