Productive Waqf Land in The Zoning Area

Case Study Of DKI Jakarta And Bandung


  • Nani Almuin Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta
  • Fauzia Fauzia Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta



Productive Endowments, Business Management, Waqf Regulations, Waqf


This study provides an overview of the most recent developments in the zoning area related to productive waqf land. This study aims to examine the opportunities and challenges faced by the nazir in developing their waqf assets in the face of constraints resulting from the existence of Law Number 22 of 1999 concerning Regional Autonomy through derivatives issued by regional regulations related to zoning with laws and regulations, Waqf Law No. 41 of 2004. This research provides an analytical discussion on the new problems of productive waqf, the effect of zoning, and the clash of the two regulations between waqf and zoning, which impedes the development of productive waqf.

This qualitative research includes field and literature studies and data collection techniques based on observation, interviews, and documentation. A case study examines the potential of productive waqf land in Jakarta and Bandung in greater depth. This situation is because land in Jakarta and Bandung is highly valued and productive.



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How to Cite

Productive Waqf Land in The Zoning Area: Case Study Of DKI Jakarta And Bandung (N. Almuin & F. Fauzia , Trans.). (2021). International Journal of Islamic Economics, 3(02), 137-149.

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