Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan Formal Dan Pola Asuh Orangtua Terhadap Akhlak Remaja Di Desa Sidodadi Kecamatan Pekalongan Lampung Timur


  • Echa Savira Putrie Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro
  • Ratu Vina Rohmatika Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro



Education Level, Parenting Style, Adolescent Morals


Every parent has a different level of life from one another. Some come from wealthy families, and vice versa. Some come from highly educated families, and vice versa. All of these things result in differences in the level experienced by a person's education. This results in different parenting styles for their children. Different parenting styles can affect children's morale, especially during adolescence. The nature of this research is descriptive while the type of research is quantitative research. The population in this study were adolescents aged 13-22 years from early to late adolescence, with a population of 150 adolescents. Researchers took a sample of 30 to be the respondents were children aged 13-22 years. The results of the research on the F test show that the value of Fcount ? Ftable equals 3,593 ? 3.37 and a significance value of 0.041 is less than 0.05 so that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, that is, there is a jointly significant effect of the variable level of formal education (X1) and parenting style (X2) on adolescent behavior (Y ) in Sidodadi Village 31A East Layang District. The results of the beta coefficient t test study show that the beta coefficient value of the level of formal education (X1) is smaller than the beta coefficient value of parenting patterns (X2) which is equal to 0.195 <0.410 and assesses the significance of 0.264 greater than 0.024, which means that the parenting style variable parents (X2) have a more dominant influence on adolescent behavior (Y) in Sidodadi 31A Village, Layang Timur District. Based on the results of the study of the two independent variables above between the level of formal education (X1) and parenting style (X2), is the effect more dominant on adolescent behavior (Y) in Sidodadi 31A Apung Village, East Kelelawar Subdistrict, the second independent variable, parenting style parents (X2)


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Undang-undang No. 20 Tahun 2003 Pasal 17 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional

