Online Credit Judgin From Sharia Economic Law


  • Dina Marsela Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah



Fiqh Muamalah, Buying and Selling, Online


The  digital  era  or  commonly  known  as  4.0  where  everything  is  strived  to shift  to  digitalization.  One  of  the  impacts  of  digitalization  is  in  the  fieldof  muamalah (buying  and  selling  transactions).  Especially  at  this  time  in  Indonesia  experiencing  a corona  virus  outbreak  (Covid-19),  where  the  government  provides  rules  of  life  to  the community so that activities are carried out at home as an effort to protect themselves. This activity will provide a surge in buying and selling transactions online, be it through Shoope, Tokopedia, Lazada, and others. Legal efforts are needed to identify whether the transaction  is  in  accordance  with  the  law  in  muamalah,  namely  fiqh  muamalah?  The method  used  in  this  research  is  legal  research  methods  with  qualitative  analysis,  the approach  uses  normative  data.  The  result  of  the  research  is  that  online  transactions  are in accordance with muamalah fiqh, the use of the contract is the salam contract. This is because the community  orders by  giving the characteristics of the object of the item to be purchased, while the seller provides a description of the item itself in detail.


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How to Cite

Online Credit Judgin From Sharia Economic Law. (2022). MILRev : Metro Islamic Law Review, 1(1), 1-16.