Tax Avoidance dan Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Jakarta Islamic Index
DOI: Kunci:
Tax Avoidance, Profitabilitas, Ukuran Perusahaan, Pertumbuhan Penjualan, Intensitas Modal, LeverageAbstrak
Tax avoidance is an act of legally minimizing taxes by companies by exploiting existing loopholes so that it becomes a unique and complicated problem. This study aims to examine the factors that can influence tax avoidance in companies listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). The data used in this study are the 2012-2021 annual financial reports with an analytical technique using panel data regression. The results showed that firm size had a positive significant effect on tax avodance. Sales growth had a negative significant effect on tax avoidance. While profitability, leverage and capital intensity have no significant effect on tax avoidance.
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