Implementation Of The Hope Family Program (PKH) View From Islamic Economic Perspective


  • Misfi Laili Rohmi Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung


Kata Kunci:

Family Hope Program (PKH), PKH implementation, Islamic economic values.


Poverty is still a central issue in developing countries like Indonesia. The government has made various efforts to reduce poverty, one of which is through the Family Hope Program (PKH). In contrast to other types of poverty reduction policies in general, PKH focuses on improving the quality of Human Resources (HR) through increasing access to health and education. The hope is that with quality human resources, the poverty rate can decrease in the future. In its implementation, PKH cannot be separated from various problems that are suspected to be incompatible with values in Islamic economics. Therefore, this study aims to determine the implementation of PKH from the perspective of Islamic economics. This type of research is field research by taking the location in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung. The method of data collection was carried out by interviewing purposively selected informants sampling. The collected data then analyzed by using a qualitative descriptive approach. Finally, this study concludes that the implementation of PKH in Pringsewu Regency successfully fulfilled 3 (three) criteria, namely: right on target, right in number, and appropriate in use. The criteria for being on time have not been achieved because of delays in distributing PKH assistance. Meanwhile, in the perspective of Islamic economics, PKH is considered to have met the criteria of justice, responsibility, and takaful (social security)


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Cara Mengutip

Implementation Of The Hope Family Program (PKH) View From Islamic Economic Perspective. (2022). Adzkiya : Jurnal Hukum Dan Ekonomi Syariah, 10(02), 187-204.