Hiwalah dan Aplikasinya dalam Lembaga Keuangan Syari'ah


  • Nizaruddin Nizaruddin

Kata Kunci:

Hiwalah, Sharia financial institutions


Hiwalah is a system that is uniquely suited to be adapted to humans , because it is the most hiwalah than human life in muamalah . Hiwalah is not used to solve accounts problem, moreover, it also plays a role as a transfer of funds from an individual to another individual or group or banking where it has been practiced in the banking system . Hawalah essence is the transfer the burden of the debtor ( muhil ) who is obliged to pay the debt ( Muhal ' alaih ) , no debt between them , and there is also a similar debt to the removal of the debt , and it asks the owner to collect debts receivable to ( Muhal ' alaih ) , by saying to him : " I have moved and you have to collect the debt to me ( so and so ) because he owes me in the same level with my debt to you , then pay off it " . If the owner of the receivables ( Muhal ) receive sincere , then finished muhil debt burden . In hiwalah mechanism in Shari'ah financial institution based on the principles of solidarity and mutual help ease the burden of people in the middle of difficulty in clearing their debts , so as not to interfere with the circulation of financial and economic dynamics in society. All of the transfer transactions are free of elements of usury in any form .




Cara Mengutip

Hiwalah dan Aplikasinya dalam Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah. (2013). Adzkiya : Jurnal Hukum Dan Ekonomi Syariah, 1(2). https://e-journal.metrouniv.ac.id/adzkiya/article/view/1051