Analisis Perbandingan antara Ketahanan Bank dalam Menyalurkan Dana pada Bank Konvensional dan Bank Syariah di Indonesia


  • Era Yudistira


Kata Kunci:

NPL, NPF, bank resilience


Bank resilience can be seen from the percentage of NPL / NPF in the bank. When NPL / NPF increases, it is indicated that the condition of bank resilience decreases vice versa, when NPL / NPF is low, the bank resilience condition is in good condition. When viewed from the development of conventional bank NPLs and Islamic banking NPF, sharia banks are more stable resistance than conventional banks. Especially in the event of a crisis, Islamic banks tend to be more stable than conventional banks. As happened in 2005, during the crisis due to rising world oil prices, resulting in high inflation rate, conventional bank NPLs increased drastically from 4.5% to 7.56%. While the NPF in sharia banks also increased but not very significant only from 2.37% to 2.82%.




Cara Mengutip

Analisis Perbandingan antara Ketahanan Bank dalam Menyalurkan Dana pada Bank Konvensional dan Bank Syariah di Indonesia. (2017). Adzkiya : Jurnal Hukum Dan Ekonomi Syariah, 5(2), 209-230.