Author Guidelines

Al Jahiz: Journal of Biology Education Research is a scientific journal that publishes articles from scientific research in the field of pure biology and biology education which generally have the following guidelines. (1) Articles are published in Indonesian in a single column format. (2) Articles written in Microsoft Office Word use the Garamond font 12 pt Space 1.15 pt and the 3 margins on the left and 2 for the right, up and down sides.

Systematics of article writing:

TITLE (14 pt; space 1; bold)

Titles must be clear, specific, and informative and avoid abbreviations, the addition of class words, place of study and year of study

Author's Name (11 pt; space 1; bold)

Author collaboration must be at least 2 authors and more than 2 authors suggested, and may not include academic or non-academic degrees

Affiliate Address (11 pt; space 1; no bold)

Author 1,2,3 etc. must write the Study Program, Institution / University, correspondence e-mail author, e-mail co-author

ABSTRACT (10 pt; space 1)

The abstract must be English and Indonesian. Abstract includes; research background (without data in the form of numbers or percentages), research objectives, research methods, research results, and conclusions. The font size in Abstract is Garamond 11 pt and space is 1 pt. Keywords: must be specific words and must not be more than 5 words

INTRODUCTION (12 pt; space 1,15)

The introduction must contain the following elements. (1) State of the Art. (2) Gap analysis. (3) The purpose of the study. State of The Art describes what has been known so far about what is being studied. State of the Art must be supported by conceptual references for at least the last 10 years. Many references to the State of The Art section are strongly recommended. Gap analysis (differentiating analysis) in the introduction must describe why this research needs to be done and what the uniqueness of this research is compared to previous research. The purpose of research in the introduction must be built from the results of observations / preliminary studies and gap analysis. One paragraph must consist of at least 5 sentences and a maximum of 7 to 10 sentences. Fonts in the Garamond introduction, font size 12 pt, and spaces 1.15 pt.

RESEARCH METHOD (12 pt; space 1.15)

The method is made more detailed, mainly on the instruments used for collecting research data to the analysis. The method must be described in paragraph form (not points or subtitles). The method contains a description of (1) types of research, (2) research designs (specifically quasi-experimental research) or laboratory experiments), (3) the time and place of research, (4) population and sample, (5) techniques for collecting data and instruments used (more detail is strongly recommended), and research data analysis techniques. One paragraph must consist of at least 5 sentences and a maximum of 7 to 10 sentences. Fonts in Garamond's research method, font size 12 pt, and spaces 1.15 pt.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (12 pt; space 1.15)

The results of the study must be presented properly and accurately. The table view must be proportional and not blurry when enlarged. Tables must be redesigned and not the result of screenshots or the like. Each table in the article must have a description and may not suddenly appear in the article. The image display must be proportional and not blurred when enlarged. The appeal, if the table and image data, for example, graphs have similarities, the author must choose one of the two.

In the discussion, avoid this section with more theoretical studies. The discussion section needs to be added to the author's argument and must add references from research journals to compare the findings of this study with relevant previous studies. Again, the author must "pit" the results of his research with the results of relevant previous studies. If needed, the discussion can add the strengths and weaknesses of the study.

One paragraph must consist of at least 5 sentences and a maximum of 7 to 10 sentences. Fonts on Garamond's results and explanation, font size 12 pt, and spaces 1.15 pt.

CONCLUSION (12 pt; space 1.15)

In this section, avoid it in the form of points per point. Conclusions must be described in the form of one paragraph. Conclusions must be conceptually formulated and oriented to the explanation of specific research findings and strengthened by the data of the research results. One paragraph must consist of at least 5 sentences and a maximum of 7 to 10 sentences. Fonts on Garamond’s conclusions and suggestions, 12 pt letter size, and 1.15 pt space.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (12 pt; space 1.15)

Expressions of gratitude to certain parties who support (sponsor) the implementation of research need to be conveyed. So that all parties involved in research activities are valued by the author. One paragraph must consist of at least 5 sentences and a maximum of 7 to 10 sentences. The font for Arial Narrow's thank you, the font size is 12 pt, and space is 1.15 pt.

REFERENCES (12 pt; space 1)

The reference must come from the journal's primary source. Minimum references must be included in the article as many as 15 journals, with a description of 80% being the primary source of the journal and the rest can use references from books. References to more than 15 journals are recommended. Writing references in articles, it is recommended to use Mendeley or Zotero tools, so that all references in the article are certain that nothing is missed. Writing references must adopt the APA style by Mendeley or Zotero tools. Don't forget to display the DOI (if any) and the reference URL used. Font for Garamond reference, font size 12 pt, and spacing of 1 pt.