Islam Nusantara As A Counter-Hegemony Againts The Radicalism Of Religion In Indonesia


  • Khoirurrijal Khoirurrijal Insititut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

Kata Kunci:

Islam Nusantara, Counter-Hegemony, Radikalisme Agama


This paper discusses about Islam Nusantara as a counter-cultural hegemony againts the radicalism of religion in Indonesia. Based on studies conducted there is relevance for what discured Wahid with some symptoms that appear in Islamic Indonesia at this moment. First, the view of Jihad according to among Muslims, namely the emergence of terrorism openly i.e. movement of ISIS in Indonesia. Second, Violence in the name of religion is increasingly spread by the Hard-line Islamic circles such as the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Muslim Forum (FUI, Indonesian Mujahideen Council (MMI) and others. Third, the reappearance of the debate the question of Pancasila and the Caliphate was mainly undertaken by Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) and some Islamic circles that supported caliphate feud vis a vis the Pancasila. In discussing Islam Nusantara, the authors utilize the theory of counter-hegemony Antonio Gramsci where resistance against religious radicalism is done by doing a counter culture with the face of a tolerant Islam. Therefore, this article will discuss and explain in depth discourse of Islam Nusantara with interested much on the idea introduced by Gus Dur, namely through its indigenization of Islam since the '80s. In order to achieve a knowledge and understanding (verstehen) toward Islam Nusantara civilization that respects plurality, tolerance and rahmatan lil Alamin.

