Pancasila: Islam Berkebudayaan


  • Wahid Imam Rifai


Islam, Pancasila, Culture, Religion, Tolerance, Nusantara


Indonesia is a country consisting of various Tribes, Religions, Races and Groups, it is not justified to favor one of them. Pancasila as the foundation of the state must be the unifying and unifying of all. The historic factor of Indonesia in forming the basis of the state is not short and trivial, then Pancasila as the crystallization of the long journey of the Nation must be maintained and maintained from the radical movement and division of unity.Islam is Pancasila and Pancasila is Islam. With the meaning that Islam is in the values ​​of Pancasila that the founders of this State and the Nation aspired to. Islam is also not against the Pancasila, Precisely on the basis of Pancasila Islam can grow and full of noble value, so is the opposite.Islam with the teachings of tolerance is expected to be an important part in uniting and making the Indonesian nation stronger in facing all the challenges of the times. Islam is not a religion that destroys the noble culture of Indonesia, but Islam is a religion that maintains and develops Indonesian culture.


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