Call for Papers 2024


Editorial correspondence, including submissions to the journal should be made electronically to Editor-in-Chief of the LINEAR: Journal of Mathematics Education: Fertilia Ikashaum, M.Pd. E-mail:

Dear Researchers/Professors/Lecturers/Scholars

We would like to invite you to submit a research papers to be published in the LINEAR: Journal of Mathematics Education. LINEAR published Twice a year (June and Desember).

LINEAR: Journal of Mathematics Education welcomes research papers and literature reviews from various countries in the world that have high-quality on all topics related to mathematics education.  Please see Author Guidelines here
Deadlines for papers submission:

For Publish Vol. 5 No. 1 Juni 2024, submission DEADLINE: 2 Mei 2024
For Publish Vol. 5 No. 2 Desember 2024, submission DEADLINE: 18 November 2024

Please submit your paper to through ONLINE SUBMISSION
If any problems, please send your manuscript to email:

Best regards

LINEAR Editorial Team