Konsep Pendidikan Pluralis-Humanis Dalam Bingkai Pemikiran Gus Dur
Gus Dur, Pluralis-Humanis, Konsep PendidikanAbstract
Indonesia is a country with a very high level of national pluralism, the turmoil and conflicts that occur as a result of a shift in values are very sensitive. This underlies that humanist pluralist education initiated by Abdurahaman Wahid to overcome the turmoil and conflicts that exist in society. For Gus Dur, pluralist education is a process of transferring knowledge that does not look at the background of students, which aims to make people devoted to their God. Meanwhile, humanist education is a process of guiding and directing students by looking at all the same and aiming at one. Thus humanist pluralist education is a process of transferring knowledge to guide and deliver humans to become whole, independent and free human beings and regardless of background and view all as the same.
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