Analisis Konten Kontroversi Dawah Habib Husein Ja’far di Program Acara Talkshow Metro TV
Controversy, Da'wah, Habib Husein Ja'far, ToleranceAbstract
Da'wah tolerance as a way to invite servants to get closer to Allah by prioritizing existing principles, such as the principle of mutual respect, non-discrimination, and spreading peace. Differences are not something that must be debated but lessons that contain wisdom. Researchers use descriptive qualitative data analysis techniques; primary data is Habib Husein Ja'far's Da'wah in the Talk show Program on Metro TV. Data collection techniques using content analysis, data analysis is qualitative, namely data collection, data reduction, analyzing data then making abstractions. This study aims to determine the various impacts of the content of the Habib Ja'far Da'wah Controversy in the Talk show Program, namely First, technological advances have made Habib Ja'far, who initially preached directly, switch to digital da'wah because 75% of people are active and get information in digital world. Second, the uniqueness of the da'wah content is to invite other religious leaders to preach. Habib Ja'far raised the issue of tolerance because he felt that he needed to include it in his da'wah, often called controversial da'wah, but in his da'wah he gave a message that every religion invites its adherents to maintain the peace of Indonesia and invites to uphold tolerance between religious communities as proof of his affection.
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