Communication, MWCNU Metro Barat, AmaliyahAbstract
This paper discusses the communication strategy carried out by the West Metro Nahdlatul Ulama Representative Council (MWCNU), in order to maintain the practice of nahdliyin residents to remain istiqomah. In addition to maintaining the amaliyah of nahdliyin residents, the communication carried out by MWCNU Metro Barat also aims to foster nahdliyin residents to have awareness to be solemn with the teachings of ahlussunnah wal jama'ah. The results of this study discuss how the communication strategy is carried out by MWCNU Metro Barat in maintaining the amaliyah of Nahdliyin residents. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative field research. While the data sources used are divided into two parts, namely primary and secondary data sources. Methods of collecting data obtained by using the method of interviews, observation and documentation. The results show that MWCNU Metro Barat first prepares a communication strategy in conveying messages to nahdliyin residents, then applies it to nahdliyin residents, so that the messages conveyed can be well received and the impact of amaliyah nahdliyin residents will be easily accepted and istiqomah carried out by nahdliyin residents in West Metro . This is based on Aristotle who explains the three arts of using persuasive language, namely: Ethos (the appearance of character and credibility of the speaker who can persuade the audience), Pathos (the speaker's skill in managing emotions when speaking) and Logos (broad and deep knowledge of what will be said or conveyed).
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